God looked at space and I appeared,
Rubbing my eyes at what I saw.
The earth smoked, no birds sang;
There were no footprints on the beaches
Of the hot sea, no creatures in it.
God spoke. I hid myself in the side
Of the mountain.
                        As though born again,
I stepped out into the cool dew,
Trying to remember the fire sermon,
Astonished at the mingled chorus
Of weeds and flowers. In the brown bark
Of the trees I saw the many faces
Of life, forms hungry for birth,
Mouthing at me. I held my way
To the light, inspecting my shadow
Boldly; and in the late morning
You, rising towards me out of the depths
Of myself. I took your hand,
Remembering you, and together,
Confederates of the natural day,
We went forth to meet the Machine.

from H'm
You can also find this in
COLLECTED POEMS 1945-1990(J.M.Dent, 1993).

Images taken by Yoshifum! Nagata
(from top to bottom): Aberdaron moutains/hills at night (2011j
Aberdaron shores at dawn (2013)
St. Hywn's Church, Aberdaron (2011)