I look up; you pass.
I have to reconcile your
existence and the meaning of it
with what I read: kings and queens
and their battles
for power. You have your battle,
too, I ask myself: Have
I been on your side? Lovelier
a dead queen than a live
wife? History worships
the fact but cannot remain
neutral. Because there are no kings
worthy of you; because poets
better than I are not here
to describe you; because time
is always too short, you must go by
now without mention, as unknown
to the future as to
the past, with one man's
eyes resting on you
in the interval of his concern.

from Laboratories of the Spirit
You can also find this in
COLLECTED POEMS 1945-1990(J.M.Dent, 1993).

background image: R.S. Thomas's chair (in R.S. Thomas Centre, Bangor University)