Sometimes I go out with the small men
with dark faces and let my line
down quietly into the water, meditating
as they do for hours on end

on the nature and destiny of fish,
of how they are many and other and good
to eat, willing them by a sort of personal
magic to attach themselves to my hook.

The water is deep. Sometimes from far
down invisible messages arrive.
Often it seems it is for more than fish
that we seek; we wait for the

withheld answer to an insoluble
problem. Life is short. The sea starts
where the land ends; its surface
is all flowers, but within are the

grim inmates. The line trembles; mostly,
when we would reel in the catch, there
is nothing to see. The hook gleams, the
smooth face creates in an obscene

grin. But we fish on, and gradually
they accumulate, the bodies, in the torn
light that is about us and the air
echoes to their inaudible screaming.

from Frequencies
You can also find this in
COLLECTED POEMS 1945-1990(J.M.Dent, 1993).
Background Image:Bardsey Island (taken by Yoshifum! Nagata in 2007)