They see you as they see you,
A poor farmer with no name,
Ploughing cloudward, sowing the wind
With squalls of gulls at the day's end.
To me you are Prytherch, the man
Who more than all directed my slow
Charity where there was need.

There are two hungers, hungers for bread
And hungers of the uncouth soul
For the light's grace. I have seen both,
And chosen for an indulgent world's
Ear the story of one whose hands
Have bruised themselves on the locked doors
Of life; whose heart, fuller than mine
Of gulped tears, is the dark well
From which to draw, drop after drop,
The terrible poetry of his kind.

"The Dark Well,"
from Tares
You can also find this in
COLLECTED POEMS 1945-1990(J.M.Dent, 1993).

background image: a ruined house in mid Wales.
This photo was taken in August 2001 by Yoshifum! Nagata.