Take heart, Prytherch.
Over you the planets stand,
And have seen more ills than yours.
This canker was in the bone
Before man bent to his image
In the pool's glass. Violence has been
And will be again. Between better
And worse is no bad place

For a labourer, whose lot is to seem
Stationary in traffic so fast.
Turn aside, I said; do not turn back.
There is no forward and no back
In the fields, only the year's two
Solstices, and patience between.

from Pieta
You can also find this in
COLLECTED POEMS 1945-1990(J.M.Dent, 1993).
Translated by Yoshifum! Nagata

Background image: Mid Welsh hills
This photo was taken in 2003 by Yoshifum! Nagata.